ORBIT CONSTANT DRIVE is a heavy-duty stainless steel

worm drive hoseclamp engineered with a Belleville spring

mechanism. The spring automatically increases or decreases

the clamp diameter in relation to variations in operational or

environmental temperatures,ensuring tension upon application.

Size and Diameter Packing
SIZE SAE mm Inches PU IC
Constant Drive 162 25-44 1" - 1 3/4" 25 100
Constant Drive 212 32-54 1 1/4" - 2 1/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 262 45-67 1 3/4" - 2 5/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 312 57-79 2 1/4" - 3 1/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 362 70-92 2 3/4" - 3 5/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 412 83-105 3 1/4" - 4 1/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 462 95-117 3 3/4" - 4 5/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 512 108-130 4 1/4" - 5 1/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 562 121-143 4 3/4" - 5 5/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 612 133-156 5 1/4" - 6 1/8" 25 100
Constant Drive 662 146-168 5 3/4" - 6 5/8" 10 100
Constant Drive 712 159-181 6 1/4" - 7 1/8" 10 100
Constant Drive 762 172-194 6 3/4" - 7 5/8" 10 100
Constant Drive 812 184-206 7 1/4" - 8 1/8" 10 100
Constant Drive 862 197-219 7 3/4" - 8 5/8" 10 100
Constant Drive 912 210-232 8 1/4" - 9 1/8" 10 100